professional lean, agile & change coach

8 Rules For Creating A Passionate Work Culture

For the long-term viability of any enterprise you needed a viable corporate culture. It, too, has to be long-term. So, cultivate good people and keep them. Work with honest and competent business managers and give them a long-term commitment and support. From these modest principles, an empire can rise.

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What motivates us

It’s been a long time since I last updated my blog. There are of course many various reasons for this. However, they depend mostly on two major reasons; the first reason is me taking on a challenging assignment in Shanghai (China) for a couple of months, and the second reason is me taking on the very exciting responsibility to start up the new Softhouse office in Gothenburg area, Sweden. I am amazed myself on how much I have learned and experienced during this past year – I will love to share it all!

First thing I would like to share is my insights within the area of motivation, and in short; What motivates us? I have been thinking, figuring, debating, discussing and reflecting over this for quite some time. How is it that highly sophisticated skilled people work for free and yet without getting payed for their product and contribution (i.e. Wikipedia, Linux, Apache etc)? What keeps those people motivated? What keeps all of us motivated? Is money the only motivator? What different motivators are there? Which ones are most important? Finally I think I found the answer to those questions in a very interesting video clip by Dan Pink on “What motivates us”. According to this discussion our motivators are; Autonomy, Mastery and Purpose drives and motivates us!

Please invest 11 minutes of your time to watch this informative and eye-opening clip!