Working with and towards the vision – how it all fits together – from individual to company vision. It’s pretty playful in order to be easily digested by the individuals, teams and departments.
professional lean, agile & change coach
Working with and towards the vision – how it all fits together – from individual to company vision. It’s pretty playful in order to be easily digested by the individuals, teams and departments.
Glimpse of an Agile Assessment done at NetEnt – It’s simply different from an ordinary assessment. It’s playful yet describing the assessment done in a very efficient way that’s easy to diagest.
This is a glimpse of what the IT Requirement Process looks like at 3 – It’s simply a Playbook. It’s playful yet describing the process in a very efficient way that’s easy to diagest.
This is a glimpse of what the Playbook at 3 looks like. The Playbook is, in a playful way, describing (with pictures of course) how we are working at 3.
This is a different type of job ad I did that was out on and some of the biggest job ad pages.
This is our journey towards Awesome. Which is simply representing our way towards our vision in becoming Awesome! Yes, it’s very different and extremely powerful – and has a very high proudness and energy factor!
This is the template we use for kicking off a Dojo at 3. No management (or any other) approval needed as long as you can fill it out. It’s a pretty easy and straight forward template. As long as it makes sense you are allowed to kick off the Dojo. If you have a hard time filling it out, then it’s probably not such a good idea to start the Dojo.