Why good leaders make you feel safe

professional lean, agile & change coach
Gary Burnison considers leadership to be a privilege. Most people like the idea of leadership but few count the cost. He says;
“To lead is to be all in, transparent and accessible, calm in the face of upset and even crisis, and always mindful that you are a steward of something bigger than yourself.”
That’s not easy. To whom much is given much is required. That’s the part that easily trips us up.
Source: Blessing White
Change will happen. Change will affect everyone – including you. Change is constant happening. The way to manage change is to manage the “dip” in performance that occurs every time a new change is introduced. Managing it means that you will have to try to make the dip in performance as small as possible! If it is not managed and the dip gets too profound – you might be certain that you will have a very hard time implementing your change and making it happen!
For the long-term viability of any enterprise you needed a viable corporate culture. It, too, has to be long-term. So, cultivate good people and keep them. Work with honest and competent business managers and give them a long-term commitment and support. From these modest principles, an empire can rise.
Looking at something that is very clear and obvious to you from your perspective does not mean that another person looking at the same object from another perspective see the same thing as you do! He as convinced as you that whatever he is seeing is “right”.
Imagine you and a friend standing on each side of this object arguing of what it says.
Who’s right?
How coaching works and what’s it all about:
First; a leader needs to have the guts to stand alone and look ridiculous but what he’s doing is so simple it’s almost instructional. This is the key; he must be easy to follow!
The first follower has a crucial role since he publicly shows everybody else on how to follow. Notice how the leader embraces him as an equal. It’s not about the leader – it’s about THEM! The first follower is calling for his friends to join in. It takes guts to be a first follower. Being a first follower is an under-appreciated form of leadership. The first follower transforms an alone nut into a leader. If the leader is the flint then the first follower is the spark that really makes the fire.
“We can be successful at Toyota only when we do something better than our competitors or when we surpass the average for the industry. If we are designing a new product, and know there is no room for failure, our attitude certainly must not be just to aim for the average. If we do that, we will surely fail. We must do our all-out best at such times, and allow ourselves no thought of failure.”
Kenya Nakamura, first chief engineer of Toyota Crown
The responsibilities of the Chief Engineer (CE) and his/her small staff:
The CE ultimate responsibility is delivering value to the customer. While Toyota always emphasizes teamwork, there is always one person who is accountable for the success of the team. For product development, this person is the CE.